A lesson on the Basic Principles of Anatomy was conducted yesterday by Mr Pantelis Alexandrou Forensic Pathologist - Expert at the Court of First Instance and Prosecutor's Office of Athens and Piraeus.
Volunteers filled the classroom and had the pleasure to be the audience of Mr Alexandros' most endearing lecture, for about two hours. You can watch an exerpt from Mr Alexandros' lecture at the following link. English subtitles will be added in due time. Subscribe to our channel to watch live broadcastings of our lectures.
The second cervical collar placement session was held yesterday at the team's offices. The young volunteers were taught the theory and then practiced in the premises of the classroom as well as in the surrounding area. Training will continue with several iterations for a better undestanding of the principle.
Read moreThe 6th Volunteer recruit's courses are progressing steadily and the interest seems to remain irreducable .
Read moreThe Deputy Mayor of Sanitarity, Recycling Mr Nikitakis Nikolaos and Civil Protection of Aegaleo awarded the members of EPOMEA with commemorative titles and medals, for their presence in the "Aigaleo 2017 Round" race, dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust.
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